Saturday, October 1, 2011


Im on a roll. I started a series of portraits (well, one) last Saturday and I have had amazing bouts of motivation. But I really need to get used to the fact that things do not happen over night and the art career Im craving is not going to come looking for me. Its interesting, when guests come to our house, there are always oohs and ahs, lovely compliments on my work, and requests for "a painting like that for my wall" (albeit drunken ones). Yet no amount of ego stroking can stem me on when I hit a wall of self doubt, much like I have in the past couple of days. I know Ill be back in the swing of things soon, this really something I can do? Im about to start on the second portrait (they are quite big), so hopefully that spell that falls over me when Im painting and in my element is not too far away. These are the days that I will need to remind myself that I need to work hard and get through the lows in order to see the highs.I need to accept compliments. I need to believe in myself and the merit of my work. I need to let people know I am confident and love doing what Im doing. I need to remember my dream is a challenging one, that the best bits wont come easy. But its worth every second.

The man who can't visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot.  
Andre Breton

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